About Us

About Us

ABFE is a membership-based, nonprofit, philanthropic-serving organization that advocates for responsive and transformative investments in Black communities.

ABFE's staff at Harambee

A 50-Year History

We remain an unwavering voice highlighting the urgency of diversity, equity, and inclusion in philanthropy.

We provide our members with professional development and technical assistance resources that further the philanthropic sector’s connection and responsiveness to issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Established in 1971 as the Association of Black Foundation Executives, the all-volunteer organization was credited with many of philanthropy’s early gains in diversity. We’ve since evolved into a fully staffed, influential network and adopted the simpler ABFE (ab-fee), a Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities, to better reflect our broadening membership and influence. 



ABFE is central to a movement of philanthropic entities, donors and nonprofits to improve outcomes for Black communities and the country.



To promote effective and responsive philanthropy in Black communities.



For more than half a century, ABFE has prioritized Black communities through our mission.


Our Impact

Together, we're paving the path forward.

Our report on 'Philanthropy and HBCUs,' in partnership with Candid, spurred increased support from major foundations, drew attention from the White House and international media, and has been pivotal in driving greater funding to HBCUs.
The launch of our Corporate Community of Practice Network united 14 corporate foundations with over $2 billion in assets, committed to amplifying capital to Black communities and combating the effects of anti-Blackness in corporate philanthropy.
Launch of our first regional funders collaborative strategy in Missouri, has sparked a surge in investments towards empowering local Black-led organizations, with commitments exceeding $500k.

ABFE's 2023 Annual Report

Reflecting on our impactful work amid challenging times

The report highlights our response to pressing issues, including strategies to navigate a hostile political environment and expand investments in Black communities. As we face ongoing challenges, ABFE remains a beacon for Black professionals in philanthropy. Join us in honoring our ancestors' legacy and advancing progress.
