Our Work

Our Work

We center Black experience and excellence through our Philanthropic Advising Services, Initiatives, Peer Community Networks, and Signature Events.


Philanthropic Advising Services

Learn, grow, and advance racial equity in grantmaking with our advisors.

We help institutions go beyond grantmaking priorities to understand the racial equity implications of grantmaking processes, internal policies and systems, and organizational culture. Transformative impact is the result of alignment at each level. 

Programs & Signature Events

Enhance your professional skills while fostering community engagement.

Our programs prioritize professional and leadership development, offering tailored programming and resources for Black professionals in philanthropy. And our signature events serve as platforms for discussing pressing issues and fostering connections within Black communities. 

Thought Leadership

Shaping racial equity in the philanthropic sector.

Our Peer Community Networks

Join like-minded professionals working to advance racial equity and economic justice.

Each network works collaboratively to promote racial equity, address systemic issues, and support Black communities through philanthropic efforts and strategic initiatives.

Become a Member

Be a part of the ABFE community

Join a coveted network of more than 1,900 foundations, nonprofits, industry partners, and individuals impacting Black communities across the country. Membership fees vary by membership level and can be paid via grant.