Black Communities Funders Network

Black Communities Funders Network

This is a national network of Black fund leaders at community foundations, intermediary organizations, and collaborative funds designed to support Black communities and Black-led organizations.



Our network provides a safe container for philanthropic leaders managing Black funds to build competencies, strengthen infrastructure, and deepen collaboration and impact.

This peer community is focused on the organizing power of the network, designing frameworks to build and grow endowments at Black Funds, and serving as an incubator for sustainability strategies.   



Meetings and Eligibility

Determine if the Black Communities Funders Network is right for you.

Voices of Impact

Hear From One of Our Network Members

Video file

Join the Network

Shape the Future of Funding. Become part of our community.

Join the Black Communities Funders Network today and become a catalyst for transformative change in philanthropy.

Opportunities to Join the ABFE Community

Come with us on our mission.