
Strengthening Philanthropy’s Ability to Withstand Political and Legislative Attacks on Racial Equity and Justice

Focus Areas
Affirmative Action
A Black person holding a sign over their head saying TOGETHER WE STAND

There has been a vengeful and aggressive attempt to silence Black voices and erase Black history from our classrooms and workplaces. In the latest attempt, the U.S. Supreme Court will rule on a series of cases that may overturn 40 years of legal precedent and potentially prohibit considerations of race in higher education admission policies nationwide. These cases have the potential to weaken opportunities to underrepresented groups beyond education and could have deep impacts on philanthropy’s commitment to celebrating and supporting racial diversity and equity in grantmaking.

We recognize that this decision may make it easier for opponents of affirmative action to challenge similar programs at other institutions, including other types of nonprofit organizations that have race-explicit missions such as ABFE, the NAACP, Unidos and the Anti-Defamation League among others. It may also impede on the progress many Foundations have adopted with racial equity-specific grantmaking programs and portfolios.

While we don’t yet know the impacts of the court’s decision, this opportunity only amplifies ABFE’s commitment to addressing the impacts of anti-Black racism in philanthropy and further mobilizes our focus to be central to a movement of Grantmakers and nonprofits committed to improving the lives of Black communities and the country.

Protestors marching outside of a court building


In response to whatever the court offers, ABFE is committed to supporting the sector in a multi-pronged approach. We will curate and design tools and strategies for foundations and nonprofits to use when responding to backlash on racial equity and will arm the ABFE community and our allies to move with legal understanding and confidence, not retreat in fear, to ensure that we continue to prioritize our shared commitment to equity.

We have begun cataloging resources on this topic and have started to develop tools and talking points for your consideration. This resource bank will be continuously updated as information is shared, and tools are released. Click here.