
Responsive Philanthropy in Black Communities: An Overview of ABFE's Racial Equity Framework


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ABFE is proud to launch our Wednesday Workshop Community Series, designed to empower philanthropy professionals in navigating today's challenges. In the face of anti-DEI backlash, equity fatigue, and rising hostility to progress, it's important for philanthropy to double down and be proactive, not paralyzed.

Join us for the next virtual webinar on Wednesday, November 20th, from 1 - 4:30 PM EDT, titled "Responsive Philanthropy in Black Communities: An Overview of ABFE's Racial Equity Framework." Led by our Philanthropic Advising Services team and rooted with ABFE’s Responsive Philanthropy in Black Communities framework, these monthly workshops are crafted to turn anxiety into actionable strategies.

Once your institution commits itself to a racial equity agenda, the real work begins. This session offers a taste of how ABFE helps institutions incorporate racial equity values and practices into their grantmaking, fundraising, community engagement, internal operations, and organizational culture. The program is based on the idea that success in each of these areas requires a commitment to all of them.