
Evaluation as a Tool Towards Equity

There has been increasing interest among the members and allies, who are more explicitly taking a stance on racial inequity. We believe that philanthropy can play a major role in mitigating racial inequity in our society.

In this webinar, led by Jara Dean-Coffey, with jdcPartnerships, we’ll explore how to push for greater understanding and implications (and limitations) of an equity frame. Diversity and Inclusion remain areas that are more comfortable to adopt, but ABFE sees them as steps on the path to equity–the ultimate goal. What’s needed to deepen and expand understanding about equity, both within philanthropy as well as externally (with partners, communities, etc.)?

This webinar offers a frame for evaluation, aligned with the efforts of many foundations engaged in efforts to promote equity, equitable evaluation (EE). It offers a brief overview of evolution of evaluation and its relationship to philanthropy in order to contextualize the capacities and competencies needed to adopt an equitable evaluation approach.



Raising the Bar – Integrating Cultural Competence and Equity: Equitable Evaluation – http://scholarworks.gvsu.edu/tfr/vol6/iss2/8/

Participants will receive an overview of resources related to equitable evaluation as well as a set of reflection questions to support Equitable Evaluation Capacity Building (EECB) after the webinar.


Jara Dean-Coffey, jdcPartnerships