
Gathering Strength: How the Movement for Black Lives is Growing

The movement to celebrate, organize, support, and defend Black communities from police and state violence and assert the right to survive and thrive has grown into a national and worldwide movement for systemic transformation and deep healing. A new chapter is being written in the long journey towards racial justice and Black liberation.

Convenings, like Black Lives Matter Chapter Convening In Detroit (June) and the Movement for Black Lives Convening in Cleveland (July) are creating spaces for Black activists to realize that promise fully–on their own terms. On this call, you will hear from convening organizers and fellow grantmakers about opportunities to support this important groundswell of momentum to build for the long term.

Co-sponsors: Asian American and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy, ABFE: A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities, Emerging Practitioners In Philanthropy, Funders Collaborative on Youth Organizing, Funders for LGBTQ Issues, The George Gund Foundation, Native Americans in Philanthropy, Neighborhood Funders Group, New York Women’s Foundation, North Star Fund, Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity, Proteus Fund, Solidaire Network, and Women Donors Network