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Philanthropic Resources

Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers
ABAG is a membership organization of foundations, donor advised funds, and corporate giving programs, that work to maximize the impact of philanthropic giving on community life through a growing network of diverse, informed and effective grantmakers.


Center for Effective Philanthropy

A nonprofit organization focused on the development of comparative data to enable higher-performing foundations.


Council on Foundations

A membership organization of more than 2,000 grantmaking foundations and giving programs worldwide. It provides leadership expertise, legal services and networking opportunities, among other services, to its members and to the general public.


Chronicle of Philanthropy

The newspaper of the nonprofit world. It is the No. 1 news source, in print and online, for charity leaders, fund raisers, grant makers, and other people involved in the philanthropic enterprise.


Foundation Center

Maintains the most comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and their grants—a robust, accessible knowledge bank for the sector. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance philanthropy at every level.


Foundation Directory Online

Web-based subscription service that provides access to over 100,000 US foundations and corporate donors plus grants, and key decision makers. Search by grantmaker, geographical location, grant recipient, or interest area.


Grantmakers for Effective Organizations

A coalition of grantmakers committed to building strong and effective nonprofit organizations. GEO’s mission is to maximize philanthropy’s impact by advancing the effectiveness of grantmakers and their grantees.


Independent Sector

The leadership forum for charities, foundations, and corporate giving programs committed to advancing the common good in America and around the world.


National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy

An independent nonprofit working to strengthen the nonprofit sector and improve its ability to represent and serve individuals politically, economically, or socially disadvantaged, by promoting greater philanthropic openness and accountability.


Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity

A multiyear project intended to increase the amount and effectiveness of resources aimed at combating institutional and structural racism in communities through capacity building, education, and convening of grantmakers and grantseekers.