Research & Reports

A SPIRIT OF UNITY: How Black Foundation CEOs are Advancing the Call to Action on Anti-Black Racism for Philanthropy

In 2020, ABFE issued a challenge to philanthropy to let the passion of the racial uprisings and protests inspire them to generate bold and effective ways to uplift the Black community. For over two years, ABFE has regularly convened Black foundation CEOs in the U.S., including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, to craft a set of imperatives that address anti-Black racism.

When these CEOs, now known as the Umoja Circle network, released this signed statement two years ago, they also committed to activating the imperatives in their own foundations and board rooms. This report centers the work of Black Foundation CEOs and is a self-reported indication of the forward movement these leaders are making towards building a healthier, more robust, and better resourced Black community. 

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