Edward M. Jones
Philanthropic Advising Services & Programs
Vice President of Programs and Philanthropic Advising Services

Edward Jones is the Vice President of Programs and Philanthropic Advising Services at ABFE, where he deeply embraces the organization’s vision. In his role, he leads philanthropic professional development & convening activities as well as supports the design and implementation of the organization’s racial justice and equity program initiatives for over 1,000 members and partners across the globe. Jones is a board member of The Weissberg Foundation, which “envisions a world that recognizes inequities and actively seeks to dismantle structural racism by continuously building access, opportunity, and power so that all can thrive”. Additionally, he’s served on the Washington Regional Association of Grantmakers Racial Equity Working Group, and an active member of Zion Church and was a founding member of Zion’s “Justice League”. Edward was a founding member of Black Benefactors, a social investment club/giving circle comprised of individuals, local businesses and organizations that are dedicated to addressing the societal ills facing Black people in the DC region. He is also a founding member of Black Philanthropic Alliance and a board member of Us Helping Us, People into Living, Inc. a regionally focused HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, overall health, and well-being organization. Edward served as commissioner of Mayor Muriel Bowser’s Serve DC Commission for volunteerism. Prior to joining ABFE, he was the Director of Conference Programming at the Council on Foundations. Edward is a graduate of the University of Akron, OH.